Tracking your order is a breeze! Once we’ve received your order, we’ll send you a confirmation email.
When your order has shipped, we’ll send you another email with a tracking number that can be used to check the status of your order. If you can’t find your confirmation email, check your spam and junk mail in case that baby got bounced.
You can also use the Order Lookup section below and enter your order number, along with the email address used to place the order. *the email must match the email address used to place the order, if there any any errors in your email address, our system won't be able to locate the order.
You can also log in to your account to check the status of your order. If you checked out as a guest, and did not create an account, you can sign up for an account using the link below with the same email used to place your order to view your orders.
If you still can't locate your tracking details after checking your spam folder, email our support team at with your order number and we're happy to help.